3 Tips To Help Relieve Your Dog's Separation Anxiety With Holistic Approaches

3 Ways To Help Relieve Your Dog's Separation Anxiety With Holistic Approaches

Dogs can get anxious being separated from their owners or other members of their family - for instance other pets or animals you may keep.

Being anxious isn't only something that affects dogs, as other animals can also experience similar emotions. But for this blog post, i'll focus on dogs and how to alleviate their anxiety through being separated.

How do you know if your dog is anxious through being separated?

You may notice several signs, and they can vary according to the dog and circumstances. Some dogs may be fine in some situations and not others. So what can be the signs?

  1. Shaking - Dogs may shake and tremble with anxiety.
  2. Howling or barking - Dogs may use their voice to make a noise expressing their distress.
  3. "Destructive behaviour" - Dogs may chew items, whatever they can find, including things you'd rather they don't chew!
  4. Pacing - some dogs will pace up and down or run up and down, whereas normally they'd lay quietly.
  5. Jumping up - dogs may jump up at other people or jump onto places in their home, to express their anxiety.
  6. Not eating - dogs may not eat or drink, including not having treats, as they're too anxious.

There maybe other signs too, with behaviours that aren't normally what you'd see in your dog.

It's important that you treat separation anxiety seriously. Not only can the behaviour manifest in destruction of property and possessions, but also your dog could get seriously ill or injured, even if it's only an occasional problem.

What holistic ways are there to help your dog not be affected by separation anxiety?

There's many holistic approaches you can use, including:

Tellington Ttouch

This is a training approach developed by animal expert, Linda Tellington-Jones Phd (Hon). It's based on the principles of cooperation and respect for animals and their people.

Tellington Ttouch is known as an approach to help improve behaviour and develop learning skills for your dog. Find out more in this Natural Pet Health Blog post

You can find many Tellington Ttouch practitioners around the world. It's also possible for you as a dog owner to attend workshops so you can also learn more about this approach yourself.

Bach Flower Remedies

There are 38 different remedies in the Bach Flower system. Using either one or a very small selection in combination can make a remarkable difference to emotions. They're both helpful for people and animals, including your dog. Learn more about this approach here at this Taranet advice page.

In an 'emergency' you can use Rescue Remedy, which is a combination of Bach Flower Remedies, as an immediate help.


This is an energy therapy that can be used to help promote relaxation and calm. This maybe helpful if your dog gets anxious often. Read more at Reiki for animals here

Conclusion and final top tip to help your dog cope better with separation.

These are just 3 ways to help your dog with separation anxiety. If your dog is hurting him or herself or is getting severely stressed, do speak to your veterinary surgeon or a professionally qualified dog trainer for advice. There are many professional dog trainers who have trained in holistic therapies like these listed here, so choose one who you feel comfortable with and that you and your dog are going to get the best possible results from.

Get more information at this useful Blue Cross charity advice

Help your dog have a varied lifestyle too. For instance, not doing the same thing at the same time in the same place, can help your dog cope better with change. Routine is great, but it's possible to have too strict a routine.

Final tip - Be calm yourself! It's possible to increase your dogs anxiety through you being stressed. Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies above can be used with people too, so if you find yourself getting anxious, then these could also be worth a try by you.

Like help finding a veterinary surgeon or therapist for your animal?
Please email me at info at taranet . co. uk

Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.

And do you know someone who'd find this helpful? Please share, the more we can spread awareness of the benefits of natural therapies the better! :)

Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!

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About the Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.